Fameleon | The Girl Who Made Me a Mom
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The Girl Who Made Me a Mom

Since Katya was born, Mother’s Day is a bigger deal to me than my birthday. I had a happy life before Katya, but I’ve never knew this little girl could bring so much meaning and joy to my life. I am forever thankful that I could be a mom to this amazing little girl 🙂 She taught me so much about life by letting me see it through her eyes.

Despite the joy she brings to me every day, it is not easy to raise a child, and sometimes I feel like I am failing. But I have to remember that I am also a 2-year-old mom. Everything is trial and error. So, to all the mothers out there, slow down and allow yourself to fail and learn. To your kids, you are everything and a hero. You are doing amazing, mama! I hope you enjoy your day!

P.S. This Mother’s Day photoshoot was so dreamy with real flower arrangements! She was so good in the beginning, but she pretty much cried through the photoshoot. It was so tricky, and the photographer literally tried everything to make her smile. I’m glad we got some shots without tears, though. Phew…

To all mothers and mother figures,


(PC: Light Livin Photography)

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