Fameleon | 11 months with Katya
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11 months with Katya

11 months with my dumpling! We are officially counting down to her first birthday!

Measurement time, she is 19lb 11oz and 28 1/4 inches! Not much changes in neither the weight nor height department, but it’s home measurement, so I am not really counting on this haha. Excited about her 12-months appointment to have a more professional measurement session!

About the milestones, what Katya reached this month are… 

  • Drinks from a cup without a lid, as you hold it.
  • Claps when excited.
  • Shows you affection (hugs, cuddles, or kisses you)
  • Uses fingers to feed herself some foods.
  • Stands for few seconds.
  • Vocalizes to songs.
  • Raises her arms to be picked up.
  • Copies sounds and gestures you make.

She is a drooling monster due to her 3rd teeth coming in. I think she is doing pretty great considering that she has no fever and is relatively not fussy. She eats more teething wafers and puffs that we go through them 3 times faster than last month. She also eats more solid now, and she goes through 3 full jars a day. Some of the flavors that she tried this month are chicken, avocado, raspberry, pumpkin, sweet corn, and Mac & Cheese. We are planning to start feeding her real food like bananas next!

Miss Katerina is getting cuter by day! She follows me around everywhere I go, even if it is the bathroom 🙂 She even climbs up the stairs like it’s nothing. When I go to her, she welcomes me with the biggest smile and makes a happy noise. She also lets me know when she wants to be picked up by raising her arms, which I am obsessed about! Another heart-melting moment I had was when she tried to climb up on me and hugged me. That really made my day (crying.) She doesn’t know how to kiss yet but she is a regular hugger. All I need is a baby hug 😉

Our peanut is mastering many things nowadays. One day, I showed her how to clap. After a while, she started to imitate my moves, then she was able to clap on her own. Now, she tends to clap when she is excited. Another thing she copied me was singing a song. When I was singing “Twinkle Little Star” along with Cocomelon, she made sounds while I was singing, then she stopped when there were no lyrics. Of course, she was tone deaf, but it seemed that she was getting some concept of singing.

By the way, I am not sure if we can take her milestone picture next month. It took me 2 hours to get these pictures, because she moves around too much lol. Please share your tips if you have any to keep her steady, and wish us luck next month 😉

Outfit detail: Purple smocked dress by ZARA (exact here), grey diamond quilted vest by ZARA (exact here).

To Katya,


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