Fameleon | 10 months with Katya
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10 months with Katya

10 months with my happy gal! Wow she is on 2 digits now!

Measurement time, she is 19lb 4.5oz and 28 inches! She hasn’t grown much in the weight department even though she eats more than the last month. I am assuming it is because she moves a lot and burns more calories, or it goes into the brain’s development 🙂 Let’s see how it goes in 11months measurement.

About milestones, what Katya reached this month are… 

  • Looks for things she sees you hide, like a toy under a blanket.
  • Walks, holding on to furniture.
  • Can sit back down from standing position.
  • Picks things up between thumb and pointer finger, like small bits of food.
  • Can feed herself finger foods.
  • Make wake up at night looking for parents.

Her tooth is more visible now, so we no longer get to see her gummy grin 🙁 I will miss her toothless smile! With her second tooth coming in, she is irritated even more. To comfort her, we started to give her teething wafers and puffs, which she seemed to like. She learned how to grab finger foods and feed herself. It lets her focus, and it seems to distract her from pain, so it helps us keep our sanity too 😉

Same as last month, she eats 2 jars of solid food a day, but now she eats mainly the 2-4 ingredients mixed in 1 jar instead of a single ingredient. This month, she tried new flavors, like orange, pineapple, blackberry, blueberry yogurt, turkey and more. I get so curious about the taste when unexpected combinations of fruit and vegetables are mixed, so I always try a little. They are actually super tasty that I could eat them as a snack lol. She continues to drink formula and she now completely holds the bottle to feed herself 🙂 It really helps us when we are working, so I’m very thankful for that! And since we got a go sign to feed her water, she is slowly trying it out. She still doesn’t get the concept of straw, but we will see how it goes!

Her mobility went up this month so that when she crawls, she pretty much sprints. Once she sets the target, she moves too fast for us to grab her. The amount of time we have to get up from where we are sitting increased by 10,000%.  Another reason why we have to get up often is because she tries to eat stuff that is not edible.  She enjoys collecting the tiniest piece of trash while crawling and trying to eat it. She reminds us that we suck at cleaning the floor 😉

She had adventurous months by getting on an airplane and swimming in the ocean for the first time 🙂 We went to Hawaii to meet up with my parents so that they could finally meet Katya. It was not her first time on an airplane (second time!) but it was the longest flight she ever took. With her teething, the 5-hour flight was not as easy as the flight we took to Idaho. She barely slept on the airplane and talked a lot. With the help of experienced passengers who had older kids and sweet flight attendants, we made it and I was very thankful to them. When she was whining, they were singing at her and even offered to hold her instead of getting annoyed by her. Their kindness really helped make the trip smooth and we even made a social media friend on the way back home. How we travel completely changed after having her but we are learning to travel as three!

Katya has been to the beach before but had never swum in the ocean before. Since the ocean is warmer in Hawaii than the ice-cold ocean in the Bay Area, she tried it out this time. She got scared of waves when they made splashed on her, but she got used to them little by little. It was so hot outside so we only swum for 10 min but I’m glad she got to experience that!

Big news this month…. She finally said mama on August 11th. At first, she was saying “nanana” while I was washing dishes. I got so excited that it was pretty close to “mama” so I kept talking to her and she finally understood the assignment 🙂 After saying mama, I didn’t hear her say that for a while, but she occasionally says it now! Can’t wait for her to say “mama’ when she actually understands it!

Outfit detail: Rainbow ruffle swimsuit by Cat & Jack (similar here).

To Katya,


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