Fameleon | 9 months with Katya
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9 months with Katya

9 months with my little bean!!

We had her 9-month doctor’s appointment, and she is 19lb 4oz (67th percentile) and 27.5 inches (41st percentile)! Her BMI is 17.9 (78th percentile) now which means she is such a chunky bean! Compared to her 2-weeks appointment where her BMI was 10.33 (less than 1st percentile), she has got some good weight that I’m so pound of her 😉

About milestones, what Katya reached this month are… 

  • Stop what she is doing when she hears you say “no.”
  • Smiles or laughs when you play peek-a-boo.
  • Looks when you call her name.
  • Gets in & out of a sitting position by herself.
  • Crawls.
  • Pulls up to stand unassisted.
  • Starts teething.

We got a big developmental month when it comes to movement. She started to crawl on July 13th while I was on my important meeting. It was a total surprise that I had to briefly excuse myself from the meeting to save Katya from hurting herself. She happened to know the worst timing to start crawling lol. Even though I was super thrilled about her learning new move, I slightly panicked. Now, we really have to watch her every move to keep her safe. This is challenging for us since we both work full time. Definitely time to consider day care option!

Not just crawling, but now she can stand up while holding onto things and can get in & out of a sitting position by herself! We are officially in big trouble! She is getting cuter by the day too! She follows us around everywhere we go and smiles and laughs more when we do silly stuff like peek-a-boo. Her laugh just fills up my heart 😉 

Her personality is starting to come out more. When we say “no” to her, she pauses her activity to look at us for a second then smiles ear to ear just to continue what she was doing. Sometimes, she even laughs like it’s hilarious. It’s not funny to us though lol. On top of that, her favorite activity is to delete mommy’s important work document 🙂 I have strong feeling that we have a quite mischievous one!

So far, no luck on hearing “mama” from her yet, but she is making bunch of sounds that I cannot spell it out in alphabet. I believe the day I hear her say mama is getting close! I am patiently waiting the moment and dreaming how it would sound!

This month, she continues to eat solid twice a day, and her favorite foods in a jar are pear by itself and guava, strawberry, and pear – 3 in 1 flavor combo! Her least favorite food this month is beef broth which she made flowny face and threw it up like a waterfall ;p  Amount wise, she used to finish 1 jar in a day but now, she finishes 2 jars which doubles the amount compared to the last month! I cannot wait for her to try piece of real food next!

Outfit detail: American flag dress by Beebay (exact here), 16pcs baby girls bow hair clips by Amazon (exact here).

To Katya,


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