Fameleon | 7 months with Katya
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7 months with Katya

My Chunky Monkey is 7 months old!!

At home, unofficial measurement but she weighed 18lb and measured 26 and half inches! She is getting so chunky that fat is filling up her dimples and they are almost invisible lol. More rolls mean more of Katya to love! Love cuddling with her all day long! My arms are definitely getting some weight training that I didn’t sign up for but worth it 😉

About milestones that Katya reached this month are… 

  • Reacts when you leave (looks, reaches for you, or cries)
  • Looks for objects when dropped out of sight (like her spoon or tray)
  • Bangs two things together
  • Moves things from one hand to her other hand
  • Sits without support
  • Rolls from her back to front
  • Uses raking grasp

In my past blog, I mentioned her rolling over that I missed while looking away (read here). On May 19th, Erik successfully recorded the exact moment she rolled over! Again, I didn’t see it in person but it’s so cool to see what went down! My girl is growing up and I’m so proud of her!

About food, we started to introduce her some solid food. At first, she spat most out not knowing what to do with them but now, she is used to the concept of “eating solid food.” So far, she tried oatmeal, rice, apple, sweet potato, and carrot. In those 5 foods that she ate, her favorite was sweet potato and the least favorite was oatmeal. Each time we gave her new food, her reaction was so funny 😉 What should be her next food to try??

We continued to give her formula and breast milk but on May 22nd, I decided to stop pumping. It was honestly very emotional and not an easy decision. At the time, because of my work schedule, I pumped twice a day for 30min to 1hr per session. I didn’t have a wireless pump so, I spent 1-2hr of my day sitting still by the wall. Because I couldn’t move freely during pumping, it reduced time that I could play/cuddle with Katya. Not only that but also, I was not producing enough milk each time so Erik suggested to stop pumping.

He originally suggested to quit at Katya’s 6 months mark and I agreed to the deal, however, I wasn’t ready to stop when time came. I thought giving up on pumping was selfish because I was the only one who could give her the “special nutrients.” I justified not stopping by thinking I was doing the most important job for Katya’s health.  I also knew I would blame myself if any health problem happens to her in the future. 

I started to open my eyes to the reality after Erik brought it up again that the amount of time I was pumping and the amount of milk I was getting in return was not justifiable. Because I was not fully convinced, I texted my mom that I felt guilty to quit pumping.  She breast fed me for 1 year so I was sad for not doing the same for Katya. Looking back, I noticed I was seeking an approval from my mom. She understood how I felt but she told me I did enough and I shouldn’t feel guilty about it since I could spend more time with them instead. After the pep talk, I was 100% ready to let it go. We took picture/video of my “last pump” to keep the memory and to give myself a sense of closure. Now I have more meaningful time to spend with them, I am happy about my decision. Learning from this experience, if we are blessed to have baby #2, we will definitely invest in wireless pump like Willow or Elvie so that I get to have both time and breast milk 🙂

Outfit detail: Floral tiered smocked sundress by Janie & Jack (exact here), Floral bow soft headband by Janie & Jack (exact here).

To Katya,


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