Fameleon | 5 months with Katya
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5 months with Katya

Happy 5 months to my not so little Katya!!

We weighed and measured her at home and she is now 15lb 2oz and 25 inches! Can’t wait to get her “officially” measurement at her 6 months doctor visit!

Katya reached some milestones which are… 

  • Smile on her own to get your attention
  • Looks at you, moves, or makes sounds to get or keep your attention
  • Makes sounds back when you talk to her
  • Turns head towards the sound of your voice
  • Looks at her hands with interest
  • Likes to look at herself in a mirror
  • Blows “Raspberries” (sticks tongue out and blows)
  • Puts things in her mouth to explore them
  • Leans on hands to support herself when sitting

When I stand in front of a mirror with her, she smiles and makes happy sounds at herself which is super cute 🙂 It works very well to stop her crying haha.

About a week ago, she flipped from her stomach to her back!! When I put her on her stomach for tummy time, she was doing push up as usual. I looked away for a second to reach for something and when I looked back, I found her on her back!! I totally missed her rolling over so, I put her on her tummy again to hopefully witness the major moment. I tried many times after that but she hasn’t done it again so, I believe it was just a coincident ;P She is more active than ever and I cannot wait to see what she does next!

Outfit detail: Navy Knit top & bloomers set by Janie & Jack (exact here), Red heart cable knit socks by Janie & Jack (exact here), Red sweater bow beret by Janie & Jack (exact here).

To Katya,


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