Fameleon | 4 Months with Katya
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4 Months with Katya

Happy 4 months to my pride & Joy, Katerina!!

She weights 13lb 11.8oz (36th percentile) and she is 24.41 inches long (42nd percentile). She was such a tiny girl when she made her debut but she is catching up now and it reassures us that we are doing fine raising her 🙂

Some milestones she reached this month are… 

  • Blowing bubbles and drooling.
  • Chuckles (not yet a full laugh) when you try to make her laugh.
  • Makes sounds like “oooo” and “aahh” and also makes sounds back when you talk to her.
  • Uses her arm to swing at toys.
  • Pushes up on elbows/forearms when on tummy.

She has not reached few milestones that some baby might reach around 4 months, which are 1. reaching and grabbing at nearby items and 2. rolling to one side. Her doctor said to give it till 6months mark as every baby grows in different speed 🙂 Very excited to see her do new things!  Just few days ago, she found her feet and staring at them with interest. She doesn’t grab them yet (may be her big tummy is making it impossible lol) but it was so cute! On another note, I am missing her Moro reflex as I rarely see that now! Come back Moro reflex!

It has been more than a month since I went back to work and so far, she has been pretty good. We just try to feed her till she gets calm/sleepy before the meetings so she won’t cry and we can focus on work. She is absolutely an angel for letting us work pretty efficiently. Katya could be very opinionated though. When I take meeting call while she is sleeping next to me, she sometime wakes up and start talking to share her thoughts haha. My future business lady 😉

As for feeding, my breast milk is getting less and less so Katya’s drinking more formula nowadays. As the result of that, I got my period back few days ago and it surprised me since I forgot how it was like to have period haha.  Katya has a bald spot on the back of her head because she shakes her heads left and right when she gets excited or tries to fall asleep. I asked the doctor about it on her 4 months checkup, and he said it is normal for baby as they use some techniques like that to comfort themselves.  Next checkup is 6 months and can’t believe her half birthdays is only 2 months away! Don’t grow too fast my little girl!

Katya’s Outfit detail: Valentine’s Day velvet pink monogrammed outfit with socks and headband by LilyandMaxCo – Etsy (exact here).

To Katya,


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