28 Jan 3 Months with Katya
Katya is 3 months old already! Time seriously flies fast!!
We checked her height and weight at home and she is now 12 lb. and 22 inch long! She weighs more than double of her birth weight and I can clearly see that she is getting chubbier. I am obsessed with her double chin and because of that, she gained new nickname “doublechini” (pronounce with Italian accent)! She has no neck or waist which is definitely perfect baby body goal lol lol.
Some milestones she reached this month are…
- Can briefly calm herself by bringing hands to mouth and suck on hand. In her case, she sucks on her knuckle lol
- Coos, and makes gurgling sounds. Begin to babble.
- Begins to act bored (cries, fussy) if activity doesn’t change.
- Can hold head up and begins to push up when lying on tummy.
- Watches faces intently.
When I talk to her, she seems to recognize my voice and makes sounds that are not random like before. I am thinking that she is practicing to talk by imitating 🙂 When she smiles, she makes sounds that are like beginning of giggle and it is just too cute to handle!
For a last couple of weeks, she has been sleeping so well at night. Since I went back to work on January 18th, we have gotten ready to bed around 10pm or earlier. We have done last feeding around that time in dimmed room and tried to put her into sleep. For few times, she slept 8 hours straight till morning, and the other times, she slept 5 hours. Honestly, 5 hour is pretty good compare to newborn stage of waking up every 2-3 hours. I will take this over newborn phase any day! Because she sleeps long time at night, she catches up on eating when she wakes up; we feed her every 2-3 hours while working from home. Good thing my husband is WFH 3-4 days so we can team up on feeding! When he is at the office, it is like I have 2 full time jobs. Pretty proud of myself managing to work and take care of her at the same time! But I have to say, I get so exhausted that I usually go to bed around 7pm on those days haha.
Katya’s Outfit detail: Pink Sherpa jacket by Target (exact here), Raw edge hem denim by Target (exact here), Grey milk crawler by Mud Pie (exact here), 21 pieces headband by Amazon (exact here), Pink knit hat by NYGB (similar here), Grey sneakers by Gerber (exact here).
To Katya,
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