Fameleon | Baby Shower Report
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Baby Shower Report

Baby is coming soon!! So, my mother-in-law threw me a baby shower, and my work threw me two baby showers 🙂  In this blog, I want to share some aspects of those baby showers with you!

Baby shower with family & friends

On Sunday September 19th, my mother-in -law threw me a baby shower 😉 This was an event that I could forget about covid situation for the first time in a long time so, very thankful that we could gather for this baby shower! 

Talking about decoration, I told my MIL (mother-in law) that I wanted the theme to be peony and ballerina going along with my baby girl’s name. There were a banner and invitations saying “tutu excited” which were so fitting for the theme. Also, there were many ballerina cupcakes prepared that were so so adorable 🙂 My most favorite part of the shower was the cookies that were made by my sister-in-law’s friend. Frankly speaking, I am obsessed with these cookies 😉 They were custom made, and she is so talented to capture all the theme in such a beautiful detail. 

The baby shower was held during brunch time. When guest arrived and had some time to catch up, we ate brunch that was catered by hotel. It was much needed gathering after long self-isolation due to pandemic. As me being very social person, it was so frustrating not being able to hang out with my family and friends under the same roof like this.  I am so glad that they were able to see me actually pregnant in person rather than just seeing it in the pictures because then I could share this significant time of my life with them. I had just under 40 guests at the shower. It was so good to see their gorgeous faces and catch up with them 😉 I cannot be who I am today without their amazing support!

After we ate and mingled, it was time for me to open gifts. Is it just me feeling that opening gift in front of people could be a bit nerve wracking because you feel that you have to comment on them in “the right way” and all eyes are on you? Growing up in Japan, I barely opened the gift in front of the people and instead, I did in private. Maybe it is a cultural thing, but I find that a little pressuring at time. Luckily, these ladies who came were very friendly and warm-hearted that I was less intimidated 🙂

I have received such adorable gifts which will come in handy! You can see the excitement on my face receiving gifts in the pictures haha. Some of them were perfect for the upcoming holiday season like Thanksgiving and Christmas (my due date is November 17th)! After the gift opening session, we played the game of guessing the number of chocolates in a baby bottle. Whoever guessed the closest got a prize. Also, whoever had a baby image on the bottom of the baby feet box filled with mints got a prize as well. After prizes were giving away, we had more chatting time and picture taking session which was a must haha. It was such a well spent day, and my baby girl was so spoiled by them! Cannot wait for everyone to meet her!

Baby shower with co-workers

My bosses and co-workers threw me a surprise baby shower, and it was so sweet! They coordinated with my husband to deliver baby shower game props and presents a day before the shower. On the day of the shower, one of my bosses called me into a quick unplanned video meeting, and when I joined, I was welcomed by everyone online saying “surprise!” It really took me by surprise as I was thinking it would be a work-related meeting 🙂

About the detail of the shower, they planned 4 games for this shower. We first guessed the chocolate product name by chocolates that were spread on diaper (see the pics.) It was hilarious because chocolate on diaper definitely looked like poop haha. I smelled and inspected carefully, but I really sucked at guessing them right. Second game was to guess all the ingredients of baby food. Most of them tasted horrible and hard to guess, but I did better than the chocolate diaper game. Third game we played was to guess the person based on the pictures when they were baby. I have never seen their childhood pictures before so, it was so sweet and entertaining 🙂 Then fourth game which I thrived the most was to guess whether the belly pictures were pregnant belly or beer belly. I almost got all 20 of them right haha. They really made my day organizing such a meticulous event while handling busy day to day schedule. I cannot thank them enough! 

My team also threw me a surprise baby shower on the other day. This time, one of my team members told me she wanted to get my advice on her performance. When I joined, I saw all my team online, and it was again happy surprise that made my day!  In this baby shower, we played 2 games which were emoji guessing game and baby picture game. I was so good at emoji guessing game which they presented combination of emojis that were related to pregnancy/baby then I had to guess the phrases. Second game was same as the game we played with my bosses and co-workers. It is always pleasant to see my team’s childhood pictures 😉 They also gave me such thoughtful and adorable gifts. So blessed to work with supportive and loving team!

So, here is my full report on baby showers! Being pregnant with my baby girl is already such a gift, but having caring and warmhearted family, friends and co-workers around me made me realize how fortunate I am! So grateful for all of them supporting me and showering us with love 🙂

Thank you for reading, and see you in my next post!

To my support system,


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