10 Feb It’s My Birthday ☆

Happy Wednesday to you and Happy birthday to meeeee!! If you are on diet, forget about it today! You can use my birthday as an excuse to eat a cake ahaha! I am so excited that today is my birthday and this is the day I look forward to every year! I love it because simply I am attention whore, and I can use it as a good excuse to spend quality time with people I love! This year because of Covid, I cannot see my friends but I have an intention to make it special by talking to them on the phone 😉 I have to work today since It is on Wednesday but looking forward to spend my evening with family!

I am turning 28 which is 2 years till being 30! Cannot believe that I am so close to 30! I used to be scared of hitting 30, but now I am excited to become more experienced, get wiser and become more fabulous. I want to make my 28th year of my life more meaningful. I want to enjoy my life, be grateful on small thing, celebrate mini wins often and help people when they are in need of help. I am happy now because there are people around me that cared about me. I am happy also because people around me are happy as well. I want to be the resourceful and thoughtful person who can be relied on 🙂 I think being that person will makes me very happy. I shall make my 28th year very meaningful!

Outfit and prop detail: Yellow ruffle maxi dress by Needle & Thread (exact here), Brown sandals by Benetton (similar here), 34” gold number balloon from Party City (exact here), Cake from Safeway – it tasted so good! Outside: buttercream, inside: chocolate with strawberry filling. I decorated with yellow roses and yellow and clear sprinkle.

To be 28 & being fabulous,

(PC: Elizabeth Pishal Photo)
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