Fameleon | How to Be A Nice Gift Receiver
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How to Be A Nice Gift Receiver

‘Tis the season of gift receiving! Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Wow time really flies so fast. From a title you can probably tell, I wanted to share good etiquette when you receive a present. You can use these techniques for literally any time you get gifts.  I used to stress out when I receive a gift from in laws or somebody unexpected. When I was lived in Japan, I rarely opened gifts in front of the people who gave it to me. When you know that they expect good reaction from you, it could be stressful. If you are not close to them, it is harder because you can say honest opinion. One thing that we don’t want to do is to hurt their feelings, right? Living in America for almost 9 years, Christmas is very stressful time of the year, because I have to open gifts in front of them. I LOVE receiving gift, but could be stressful for that reason. Here are Dos and Don’ts when you are receiving a gift.


  1. Smile like when you just won a lottery

*If you are a good actor, you can cry from joy as well.

  1. Sorry no other option. Master option 1. Keep smiling till your cheeks hurt.

This applies to the time when you receive a gift that you absolutely hate and totally donate, exchange, return, and sell that later. Practice makes perfect 😉

Let’s look at this facial expression I made as an example.

Open your eyes as much as possible, open your mouth big because you are surprised. Use your hands effectively. When in doubt just spread fingers wide like an example. Practice this facial expression in front of the mirror!

Next, here are some things that you can say along with your overexaggerated expression.

  1. Woooow! This is wonderful!
  2. Ohhhh my god! this is amazing!
  3. How did you know what I wanted?
  4. Did you secretly check my wish list??
  5. You made my life!
  6. I would use this for (          ) every day!!
  7. You are the bestttttt!!!

Make sure when you say those things, you speak clear and loud with excited tone! Speak in higher pitch than normal. Memorize these lines just in case you panicked.

Last but not least, you cannot forget to say THANK YOU!! End this gift receiving ceremony by saying “Thank you very much!!!!!” (Imagine 5 exclamation mark when you say it). Worst case scenario, if you freaked out from a bad gift and forget facial expression and little speech, you can show gratitude by saying thank you a couple times. When in doubt, say million times to make sure the person can feel your gratitude. More is better.

Let’s look at this great example! This little guy mastered this perfectly at very young age! He is our sensei.

Credit: tghetto5 via YouTube


  1. Dead Fish Eyes. Smile politely but your eyes are dead. You are not faking it perfectly. Try again.
  2. Long Stare No Words. Make sure you say the wording I listed above in 0.1 second after you open the gift.
  3. “The Eww Face”. That’s a big no no. You won’t receive a gift next year. Even if you receive a used sock, do not make this face.
  4. No emotion. Use your facial muscle as much as possible. Use your imagination to fake it (won a lottery etc).
  5. Don’t say thank you. This is the worst. Practice saying thank you while looking into their souls.

Let’s look at some bad example of facial expression.

I hope these tips are helpful. Now you are an excellent gift receiver!! Good luck to all of you! 

Outfit detail: Naughty/Nice reversible sequin sweater from Amazon (similar here and here), Giftwrap Headband from Bauble Bar, blue skinny jeans from H&M, Black boots from Forever 21 long time ago (similar here).

To Christmas,


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